More Big Swede music on David Makes Man (OWN)
More Big Swede music on David Makes Man tomorrow Tuesday. You can watch this great show on OWN at 9/8c.
More Big Swede music on David Makes Man tomorrow Tuesday. You can watch this great show on OWN at 9/8c.
Download it, stream it or steal it! Out today: BIG SWEDE FEAT MILES EVANS - SUPERFOODS. It all started when I asked Miles what foods I should be eating. He…
Download it, stream it or steal it - Out today: BIG SWEDE - BEST OF BS HIP HOP, VOL. 2 - - - It’s a collection of 20 instrumental hip…
Had a good time as a live guest on the R & R Show ‘n’ Tell with Steve Luongo yesterday. Many laughs. Steve is a noted musician who has worked…
Out today: Big Swede - Best Of BS Hip Hop, Vol. 1 - - - This is a collection of 20 instrumental hip hop tracks I made between 2007-2020 &…
Happy to announce that I have a new sub publisher - My Music Library - in France - representing my catalog of songs in tv, movies, advertising etc.. in that…
Been compiling some of the hip hop I have made over the years. Releasing 2 albums to start: “Best Of BS Hip Hop Volume One - & Two”. 20 tracks…
A nice day for a short interview - And yes, my life is one big rejection, ha - Thanx Shoutout LA!
I’m excited to announce that I just got a Sub-publisher in India. Turnkey Music & Publishing Pvt. Ltd. is one of India’s most prominent Independent Music Publishers representing some of…
Always making music. The most important thing is to keep being creative - and to finish each idea!