HUMILIOUS (Trailer) – Theatre/Performance Play – – – Performed and filmed live on the steps of City Hall in downtown Los Angeles. Thanx to writer/director/producer Robert Catalusci for including me in this sci-fi story about the twilight of human destruction. I composed the music, sound fxs, recorded the voice-overs and mixed it. Mastering by John Greenham. Filmed by Smash LeFunk. Lights by Robert Pullman. Great acting performances by Megan Rippey, Michelle Twarowska, Jola Cora, Vj Kesh, Maxime Ginolin . The full version has been screened at museums & galleries around the US and in China.
Humilious (Trailer)
Tags: adr, big swede, city hall, composer, humilious, performance play, robert catalusci, sci-fi, sound fx, theatre